1. AchenwallG.(1752) Staatsverfassung der europäischen Reiche im Grundrisse. Göttingen. The first edition (Göttingen 1749) was calledAbriß der neuesten Staatswissenschaftetc. A large number of later editions up to 1798 but in 1768 the title was again changed.
2. AndrewsD. F.(1978) Data analysis exploratory. In Kruskal & Tanur (1978 pp. 97–107).
3. Anonymous(1839) Introduction.J. Stat. Soc. London vol.1 pp. 1–5.
4. Anonymous(1954 in Russian) Account of an All‐Union statistical conference.Vestnik Statistiki No. 5 pp. 39–95. Also inVestnik Ekonomiki No. 12 pp. 75–111.
5. Anonymous(1968) Statistics mathematical. InEnc. Brit. vol.21 pp. 166–170.