1. (compiler), Sludge Sampling Notebook, Akin, Gump, Hauer and Feld, LLP, Washington, DC (August, 1992).
2. “Preliminary Remedial Investigation Report, Preprint,” Combustion, Inc., Livingston Parish, Louisiana; Volumes 1 and 2; ERM-Southwest, Inc., Metaire, Louisiana (March, 1990).
3. , and , “Survey of the Oil Industry and Waste Oil Composition,” Prepared for the U. S. EPA under Contract No. 68–02–3173, pp. 3–29 and 3–30 (April, 1983).
4. “Final Report Site Reconnaissance and Sampling Combustion, Inc. Site, Walker Louisiana,” Dames and Moore, Job No. 25722–001–137 for Taylor, Porter, Brooks and Phillips, L. L. P., Baton Rouge, Louisiana (July, 1993).
5. Chair, Committee on In-Situ Bioremediation, “In-Situ Bioremediation—When Does it Work?,” National Academy Press, Washington, DC, p. 25 (1993).