1. U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, “Mercury Study Report to Congress,” Book 1 of 2, External Review Draft, U. S. EPA, Environmental Criteria and Assessment Office, EPA/600/P-94/002a (NTIS PB95-167334), Cincinnati, OH (Jan. 1995).
2. The Impact of Particulate Emissions Control On the Control of Other MWC Air Emissions
3. , and , “Demonstrated and Innovative Control Technologies for Lead, Cadmium and Mercury from Municipal Waste Combustors,” presented at the 85th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Air & Waste Management Association, Kansas City, MO (June 21–26, 1992).
4. “Mercury Control in Canada,” presented at the 86th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Air & Waste Management Association, Denver, CO (June 13–18, 1993).
5. , , , and , “Emission Test Report: Field Test of Carbon Injection for Mercury Control, Camden County Municipal Waste Combustor,” U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, EPA-600/R-93–181 (NTIS PB94–101540), (Sept. 1993).