1. Department of Marketing and Business Strategy ICFAI Business School Hyderabad (A Constituent of the ICFAI Foundation of Higher Education) Hyderabad India
ABSTRACTCurrent study developed and validated an integrated model for examining the relationships among perceived justice, residents' quality of life, emotional solidarity, and support for tourism development. Study's integral model was estimated by using covariance based structural equation modeling with the help of 365 sample data. Procedural justice was discovered as the most reliable indicator of residents' quality of life. Additionally, it was discovered that inhabitants' support for tourism development was most strongly predicted with emotional closeness, followed by welcoming nature, and sympathetic understanding. Results confirmed that locals' support for tourism development is primarily due to procedural justice, which is followed by distributive and interactional justice. Findings also supported the hypothesis that residents' quality of life predicts their support for tourism development. Academic contributions and practical implications of the study are discussed at large.