1. Official Gazette of the Republic of Rwanda th 1999 Law No-22/99 of 12/11/1999 to Supplement Book One of the Civil Code and to Institute Part Five Regarding Matrimonial Regimes, Liberalities and Successions
2. Official Gazette of the Republic of Rwanda th 2003 th The Constitution of the Republic of Rwanda . Fundamentally amended in 2015 - OG Special of 24/12/20125
3. Official Gazette of the Republic of Rwanda 2005 Organic Law No 08/2005 of 14/07/2005 Determining the Use and Management of Land in Rwanda . Kigali: Repealed, replaced by Law No 43/2013 of 16/06/2013 Governing Land in Rwanda
4. Official Gazette of the Republic of Rwanda 2010 Organic Law No. 24/2010 Organic Law on the organisation, jurisdiction, competence and Functioning of the Mediation Committee . Substantially revised in 2015: OG. 29/2015
5. Official Gazette of the Republic of Rwanda 2015 Organic Law No 02/2015 of 16/07/2015 On the Organisation, Jurisdiction, Competence and Functioning of the Mediation Committee