1. Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen University Hospital Department of Hematology Copenhagen Denmark
2. On behalf of the Lunenburg Lymphoma Phase I/II Consortium‐HOVON/LLPC Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht Department of Hematology Utrecht Netherlands
3. Vejle Hospital Department of Hematology Veile Denmark
4. Cancer Research UK, Cancer Services University of Southampton Department of Hematology Southampton UK
5. Christie Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Division of Cancer Services Manchester UK
6. Plymouth University Medical School Department of Hematology Plymouth UK
7. On behalf of the Lunenburg Lymphoma Phase I/II Consortium‐HOVON/LLPC VU University Medical Center Department of Hematology Amsterdam Netherlands
8. Institut Català d'Oncologia‐Hospital Duran i Reynals, Hospitalet del Llobregat Department of Hematology Barcelona Spain
9. The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust Department of Hematology Sutton UK
10. Genmab Clinical Research and Development Princeton, New Jersey USA
11. On behalf of the Lunenburg Lymphoma Phase I/II Consortium‐HOVON/LLPC Erasmus MC Cancer Institute Department of Hematology Rotterdam Netherlands