1. Agreement on the Conservation of Small Cetaceans of the Baltic North East Atlantic Irish and North Seas (ASCOBANS). (n.d.). Available at:https://www.ascobans.org/[Accessed 10th February 2023].
2. ASCOBANS. (2000).Third meeting of the parties: Resolution on incidental take of small cetaceans. Bristol UK 26–28 July 2000. Available at:https://www.ascobans.org/sites/default/files/document/MOP3_2000-3_IncidentalTake_1.pdf[Accessed 10th February 2023].
3. ASCOBANS. (2016).8thmeeting of the parties resolution 5 on monitoring and mitigation of small cetacean bycatch. Helsinki Finland 30 August ‐ 1 September 2016. Available at:https://www.ascobans.org/sites/default/files/document/MOP8_2016-5_Bycatch.pdf[Accessed 3th October 2022].
4. ASCOBANS. (2020).9thmeeting of the parties: resolution 8.5 on monitoring and mitigation of small cetacean bycatch. Belgium 9‐11 September 2020. Available at:https://www.ascobans.org/sites/default/files/document/ascobans_res8.5_rev.mop9_bycatch.pdf[Accessed 10th February 2023].
5. `Boats don't fish, people do′- how fishers′ agency can inform fisheries-management on bycatch mitigation of marine mammals and sea birds