1. Center for Chemical Process Safety;https://www.aiche.org/sites/default/files/docs/pages/vision2020_graphics.ppt. Accessed February 20 2019.
2. "A Call to Action ‐ Next Steps for Vision 20/20 " McCavit J Berger S Nara L and Grounds C presented at the AIChE Global Congress on Process Safety; April 2 2014.
3. "Vision 20/20 ‐ Characteristics of Companies with Great Process Safety Performance " McCavit J Berger S Nara L and Grounds C presented at the IChemE Hazards‐24 Conference May 9 2014.
4. Grounds Cheryl (BP) Berger Scott (AIChE) and McCavit Jack (AIChE0 “Vision 2020 – Delivering Great Process Safety Globally ” Offshore Technology Conference 2015.
5. US Environmental Protection Agency.https://blog.epa.gov/2015/06/01/chemical-facility-safety-is-a-shared-commitment/. Accessed December 18 2019.