Lean Manufacturing: Literature review and implementation analysis


Hernández Centeno FiorellaORCID,Sifuentes Huayanay WiningerORCID


This research article covers the implementation of lean manufacturing in the metalworking sector, this tool is of the utmost importance due to its objective, which is to minimize the losses produced in any type of manufacturing process, in a magnificent way of using the resources that They are essential. His focus is on customer satisfaction. Looking for the product to be delivered correctly at the right time and in the planned place, the objective of the article is to make known more about the influence of the lean manufacturing method in the metal mechanics sector. This research was developed by collecting research from indexed databases such as Scielo, science direct, repositories and Scopus. Of which 50 investigations were selected, taking into account criteria such as the year of publication and the title of the investigation. That is why within the 50 investigations 46 articles and 4 magazines, which were selected through a systematic process. It was chosen because of the similarity it had with our research, that is, 50% spoke of the influence of lean manufacturing and how it improved the manufacturing sector and what methods were used. 30% lean manufacturing that also spoke of improvement methods in manufacturing and 20% the implementation of lean manufacturing at a general level throughout the sector. Concluding, the implementation of lean manufacturing is a method that brings many benefits regardless of the size of the company. This is thanks to minimizing the losses produced in any type of process, it adapts and regardless of the magnitude of the process and goes hand in hand with continuous improvement.


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Reference50 articles.

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