Management by processes and productivity a bibliographic review at Latin American level in the last 10 years


Rodríguez Ibañez Omar HaroldORCID,Dávila Laguna Ronald FernandoORCID


This article analyzes process management and productivity as key elements to achieve organizational success. Emphasis is placed on theoretically substantiating how these tools are associated with each other, to fulfill their purpose. The research begins with the bibliographical review of scientific articles that are related to the topic of analysis, applying inclusion and exclusion criteria such as year of publication, relationship with the topic and variables to be investigated. For this purpose, various reliable information search engines were used, such as Google Scholar, Dialnet and Redalyc. As a consequence of the analysis, 60 articles were extracted, of which 16 were selected for review. Therefore, and from the corresponding analysis, it is concluded that process management and productivity are basic tools for achieving business success, noting a positive and complementary relationship between them.


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Reference10 articles.

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