Chronology of tooth eruption in canines and inferiors


Cruz Quevedo P.ORCID,Caballero Rojas Y.ORCID,Niño Alcántara J.ORCID,Vega Ballona L.ORCID,Valenzuela Ramos Marisel RoxanaORCID


Objectives: To establish the chronological sequence of the dental eruption in canines, carrying out various investigations in different studies that indicate, according to their analyzes, that there is a direct relationship with the factors that cause their eruption to be altered. Methods: A bibliographic review was carried out from October to December 2020, using the following search strategy in the database: Scielo, Repository, Medical journals, within which 22 articles related to the subject were considered, taking into account that 90% of the publications and bibliographic reviews were from 2010-2020. Results: In different studies a close relationship was found in the different factors that tend to cause the advance or delay in its appearance. That is why it is necessary to consider investigating the biological factors that can affect the development of the tooth bud. Conclusion: All the information that has been obtained in this investigation, we conclude that the order of eruption of the mentioned teeth, whether they are upper and lower canines, is affected and is influenced by components such as malnutrition, geographical environment, climate, race, factor environmental, sex and age.


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