The complexity of the teaching profession associated to the new professional demands, from a social context in accelerated change triggered what Zaragoza (1999) called malaise in teaching profession. The teachers are before the consternation and difficulties of mutant demands and the continuous social criticism for failing to meet these new requirements. The present research aimed to verify the levels of motivation and satisfaction of the teachers of the municipal public network of Alegrete-RS. This study characterizes itself in relation to the objectives as descriptive; in relation to the procedures, it is a field research and in relation to the approach, it is a quantitative research. The data collection was carried out using the EMA questionnaire (Escala de Motivação Docente – Motivation Scale for Teachers), prepared by Davoglio and Santos (2016), and the sample consisted of seventeen teachers from both genders, male and female, of Elementary School – Final Years of three public schools of the municipality of Alegrete-RS. The results reveal that the analyzed teachers are truly satisfied and motivated to carry out their functions, and this do not characterizes aspects of teacher malaise. We evinced that the spaces of cooperation promoted by the schools, freedom of expression and of ideas and the recognition of the co-workers on the competence in teaching function were the most relevant aspects positively. The negative aspect in the analysis of the answers is related to the dissatisfaction and demotivation facing the remuneration for the work. The answers evince a good work environment in the evaluated schools, contributing to a satisfactory level of positive aspects that influence the teaching action.
Brazilian Journal of Education, Technology and Society (BRAJETS)