1. The formula of evolution states a doctrine of localization, and one very different from the current one. Integration, a very important factor, is ignored by the current doctrine. It is an exceedingly important factor. It is admirably and very simply stated by Dr. Mercier, who, in an article to be referred to again presently, p. 480, writes: ‘Such centres [lowest centres] represent a limited part of the body very strongly; they represent little else, and that little but feebly. But in the highest regions each centre represents a large part of the organism preponderatingly, a still larger part in less degree, and the whole of the organism in some degree. And in the intermediate centres the representation is intermediate in character, a larger or smaller area being preponderatingly represented, and the halo of partial representation being larger or smaller, while the intensity of representation is less or more, according as the centre is more or less elevated in the hierarchy of the nervous system.”
2. My belief is that what are called the manifestations of fear are really after-effects of a discharge. Fear is anger broken down, and is antithetical to anger in that sense.
3. I admit the distinction into Subject and Object consciousness, and also that into faint and vivid states of consciousness.
4. When there is the “dreamy state” there is double consciousness (“mental diplopia”), there being remains of consciousness as to present surroundings (remains of object consciousness), and increase of consciousness as to some former surroundings (increase of subject consciousness).