1. Cf. Parfitt, “Epilepsy and Hysteria,” Lancet, See also Penfield and Erickson, p. 445. The EEG does not appear to be of great assistance in the border line case.
2. There being no attempt at radical cure, only to help the patient to adapt himself to the consequences of his fits.
3. For this reason she did not want meto seehim personally and refused to give me his address.
4. He went on attending for a short time longer. There was still material relating to C—to he cleared—cf. I've paid the price for mother but I've still to pay, for C.—” But this did not bother him much, and as soon as it was seen that the fits had gone he was anxious to end the treatment and be off working.
5. This was the patient's fantasy, not the psychiatrist's opinion.