The Psychiatric Aspects of Temporal Arteritis


Vereker R.


Temporal arteritis, also called giant cell arteritis, or cranial arteritis, was first described in 1932 by Horton and Magath. This syndrome is caused by a reversible inflammation of the cranial arteries, especially the temporal arteries (which are visibly inflamed), causing headache, mental and neurological disturbances as well as general toxic signs, and almost always occurring after the age of fifty-five years.Pathology.—In the arteries involved there is a subacute inflammation of the adventitia and media with focal necrosis of the media, fragmentation and destruction of the internal elastic lamina with gross hypertrophy of the intima, often leading to occlusion of the vessel. In many cases giant cells are found in the media. Besides the cranial arteries other vessels are sometimes involved, e.g., the carotids (Scott and Maxwell 1941; Gilmour 1941), subclavian, coronary and femoral arteries (Cookeet al., 1946), post-auricular (Dick and Freeman 1940).Aetiologyis unknown. There is no evidence of tuberculosis or syphilis. A low-grade bacterial or virus infection of the arteries has been postulated, but repeated bacteriological examinations of the biopsied arteries have failed to isolate any organisms. The predilection which the condition shows for the temporal and cranial arteries is unexplained.


Royal College of Psychiatrists


General Medicine

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