It is now universally recognized that there is nothing specific in the form of psychoses associated with childbearing. There is, however, still a tendency to attribute to the puerperium itself or to pregnancy or lactation a significance quite out of proportion to that of other precipitating factors; thus such terms as “puerperal depression”, or “puerperal schizophrenia” are still in use, as if the precipitating factor were something special as opposed to the innumerable other causes assigned to the appearance of an attack of mental disorder. Nor is this surprising when one reflects on the enormous significance of the sexual life. One is quite willing ona priorigrounds to grant to the puerperium this all-important rôle.
Royal College of Psychiatrists
Reference15 articles.
1. Saunders E. B. , Amer. Journ. Psych., 1929, viii. p. 669.
2. L6vy-Valensi, op. cit.
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20 articles.