1. “Wassermann-fast “sera are known. In our experience they are not so common as “Meinicke-fast “sera.
2. It is not really practicable to determine the sensitivity of either of these tests, as opposed to their specificity, in a mental hospital. This is properly done on new, untreated infections in a V.D. clinic. An old case which has been adequately treated will in all probability have a negative W.R., although the serum may, in some cases, become “Meinicke-fast “. A case in which the mental symptoms are directly referable to a luetic infection will show a positive W.R. in the spinal fluid irrespective of the M.K.R. Menninger and Bromberg (1935) found a positive W.R. in 100% of neurosyphilitics (500 cases of asymptomatic neuro-syphilis, tabes, general paralysis, tabo-paresis and meningo-vascular syphilis). It is with this aspect that one is properly concerned in a mental hospital.
3. The commonly recommended acid-bichromate mixture for cleaning Meinicke tubes is not the best. Immediately after use they should be washed out with cold tap-water and immersed in 10% hydrogen peroxide overnight. They are then washed with hot water and soap, rinsed clean with cold tap-water, run through distilled water and dried. If they are dried in a hot-air oven the temperature should not be above 110° C.