1. 15 Correctional Service Canada. Indigenous Healing Lodges. CSC, 2020 (https://www.csc-scc.gc.ca/aboriginal/002003-2000-en.shtml).
2. 20 SMART Recovery. About SMART Recovery. SMART Recovery, 2020 (https://www.smartrecovery.org/).
3. AAPL practice resource for prescribing in corrections;J Am Acad Psychiatry Law,2018
4. 3 Corporation of the Canadian Civil Liberties Association v Her Majesty the Queen. 2017 ONSC 7491 (https://ccla.org/cclanewsite/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Corp-of-the-Canadian-Civil-Liberties-Association-v-HMQ-121117.pdf).
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