1. “The Treatment of Myxœdema by Thyroid Feeding: Its Advantages and Risks,” Prof. Grainger Stewart, “The Practitioner,” July, 1893.
2. “Myxœdema and the Recent Advances in its Treatment,” Dr. Hector Mackenzie, “Lancet,” Jan. 21, 1893.
3. “Brit. Med. Journ.,” May 6, 1893, p. 955.
4. “Clinical Society,” Jan. 27, 1893; “Lancet,” Feb. 4, 1893.
5. “Brit. Med. Journ.,” Feb. 25, 1893, p. 411. See also Dr. Murray's illustrated paper on “The Treatment of Myxœdema and Cretinism,” “Lancet,” May 13, 1893.