Protocol for a pharmacogenomic study on individualised antipsychotic drug treatment for patients with schizophrenia


Su YiORCID,Yu HaoORCID,Wang Zhiren,Liu Sha,Zhao Liansheng,Fu Yingmei,Yang Yongfeng,Du Bo,Zhang Fuquan,Zhang Xiangrong,Huang Manli,Hou Cailan,Huang Guoping,Su Zhonghua,Peng Mao,Yan Ran,Zhang Yuyanan,Yan HaoORCID,Wang Lifang,Lu Tianlan,Jia Fujun,Li Keqing,Lv Luxian,Wang Hongxing,Yu Shunying,Wang QiangORCID,Tan YunlongORCID,Xu YongORCID,Zhang Dai,Yue Weihua


Background Schizophrenia is a severe and complex psychiatric disorder that needs treatment based on extensive experience. Antipsychotic drugs have already become the cornerstone of the treatment for schizophrenia; however, the therapeutic effect is of significant variability among patients, and only around a third of patients with schizophrenia show good efficacy. Meanwhile, drug-induced metabolic syndrome and other side-effects significantly affect treatment adherence and prognosis. Therefore, strategies for drug selection are desperately needed. In this study, we will perform pharmacogenomics research and set up an individualised preferred treatment prediction model. Aims We aim to create a standard clinical cohort, with multidimensional index assessment of antipsychotic treatment for patients with schizophrenia. Method This trial is designed as a randomised clinical trial comparing treatment with different kinds of antipsychotics. A total sample of 2000 patients with schizophrenia will be recruited from in-patient units from five clinical research centres. Using a computer-generated program, the participants will be randomly assigned to four treatment groups: aripiprazole, olanzapine, quetiapine and risperidone. The primary outcomes will be measured as changes in the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale of schizophrenia, which reflects the efficacy. Secondary outcomes include the measure of side-effects, such as metabolic syndromes. The efficacy evaluation and side-effects assessment will be performed at baseline, 2 weeks, 6 weeks and 3 months. Results This trial will assess the efficacy and side effects of antipsychotics and create a standard clinical cohort with a multi-dimensional index assessment of antipsychotic treatment for schizophrenia patients. Conclusion This study aims to set up an individualized preferred treatment prediction model through the genetic analysis of patients using different kinds of antipsychotics.


Royal College of Psychiatrists


Psychiatry and Mental health

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