An intercultural perspective toward supporting antipsychotic medication adherence in clinical practice


Zacharia TharunORCID


In the UK, the incidence of schizophrenia appears highest in Black Caribbean and Black African communities (four- to six-fold that of the White British population). The incidence of psychosis in other minority ethnic groups is also raised, but to a lesser magnitude. Although there are numerous environmental confounding factors, the data stresses the importance of optimising treatment in high-risk (minority) groups. Antipsychotic nonadherence is the most common reason for schizophrenia relapse, and is associated with increased rates of relapse, readmission to hospital and suicide. This article examines available literature to discover how culture can affect antipsychotic nonadherence, and considers culture-based solutions that could enhance antipsychotic adherence. Acknowledging the importance of the therapeutic alliance and sociocultural aspects in antipsychotic adherence, I argue that current cultural competence training provided to clinicians is inadequate. Organisational- and system-level approaches are required to reduce oppressive practise and promote culturally competent, person-centred care.


Royal College of Psychiatrists


Psychiatry and Mental health

Reference39 articles.

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5. Problems with non‐adherence to antipsychotic medication in Samoan new Zealanders: A literature review

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