Prognosis of the Depressions of Later Life


Anderson E. W.


The following paper represents an attempt to determine more precise prognostic criteria in the large group of the depressions of later life, to find if possible some other guiding lines than the relatively rule-of-thumb principles which obtain, freed as far as possible from debatable preconceptions as to the existence of an “involutional melancholia” or other specific diagnostic label. Obviously in such a group the influence of the menopause and involution periods might be expected to be prominent.


Royal College of Psychiatrists


General Medicine

Reference21 articles.

1. Lewis and Hubbard , “The Mechanisms and Prognostic Aspects of the Manic-Depressive Schizophrenic Combination,” vol. on Manic Depressive Psychosis, already quoted.

2. Lewis A. J. , “Melancholia: A Clinical Survey of Depressive States,” Journ. Ment. Sci., April, 1934.

3. Medow (quoted Fünfgeld op. cit.).

4. Halban (quoted Jacobi , op.cit.).

5. Hoffman and Berze (quoted Fünfgeld op. cit.).

Cited by 25 articles. 订阅此论文施引文献 订阅此论文施引文献,注册后可以免费订阅5篇论文的施引文献,订阅后可以查看论文全部施引文献

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