Melancholia: A Historical Review


Lewis Aubrey J.


Melancholia is one of the great words of psychiatry. Suffering many mutations, at one time the tenacious guardian of outworn schemes or errant theories; presently misused, cavilled at, dispossessed, it has endured into our own times, a part of medical terminology no less than of common speech. It would seem profitable to consider the history of this word, and of the states of fear and distress with which it has from the beginning been associated.


Royal College of Psychiatrists


General Medicine

Reference194 articles.

1. Verlaufsformen des manisch-depressiven Irreseins;Rehm;Allg. Zeitschr. f. Psych.,1907

2. Kretschmer, .—“Störungen des Gefühlslebens, Temperamente,” Bumke's, Handbuch der Geisteskrankheiten. Berlin, 1928. Allg. Teil i.

3. Bolton, Shaw .—The Brain in Health and Disease. London, 1914. chap. xi. Also “The Role of Mental Confusion in Prognosis,” Mott Memorial Volume. London, 1929. P. 67.

4. Régis, .—Précis de Psychiatrie. Paris, 1909.

5. Broussais, F. J. V. —De l'Irritation et de la Folic Bruxelles et Paris, 1828.

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