This article presents the results of a self-reflective analysis of the role of research on ethical, legal, and social implications (ELSI) in projects that aim to develop and implement technology solutions for care. Four perspectives of ELSI research are used to examine their significance for this endeavor: (1) ELSI research as a ‘contribution to promoting acceptance,’ (2) ELSI research as a ‘seal of approval for new technologies,’ (3) ELSI research as ‘distanced-critical observation,’ (4) ELSI research as a ‘component of integrated research’. It becomes clear that these perspectives differ according to how they cope with the tension between the demands of a scientifically sound self-image and the fulfillment of practical and normative requirements of the field of investigation. Insights into these differences provide clues for the design of ELSI research that can self-critically reflect on its mediating role in the transfer of knowledge between technology development and technology use.
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