This research paper provides a survey which adresses factors that make a significant impact on customer online shopping process and the assessment of their importance during this process. It is focused on five different sections consisting of demographics, security, time saving, product quality, website features and customer service. The albanian case is interesting to study because it has grown into giant leaps since 2020, and a slight amount of scientific studies are publicly available about it. As a result, a better understanding of albanian customers attitude towards online shopping is likely to be convenient for monitoring upcoming problems and concerns. The motivation behind this study arises from the risk perception as well as speculations that inevitably exist among consumers regarding the significance of the influence of decisive factors on the shopping online process in Albania. The purpose of this scientific study is to appropriately investigate how albanian consumers’ point of view towards products’ quality, website features, customer service as well as their security perception have a considerable effect on their online purchases. Data were collected via self-administered questionnaire which contains 26 questions splitted in 6 sections and it was answered by 206 albanians. One-way ANOVA were utilised to evaluate the difference between independent or explanatory variables and dependant variable such as customers’ reaction towards online shopping. Further scientific study should be mainly focused on exploring more factors impacting consumers’ reaction towards e-commerce purchases through online shopping as well as assessing their importance in this process.
Canadian Institute of Technology
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