Data Science and Artificial Intelligence play a major role in the nowadays fourth industrial revolution of Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and big Data. The purpose of this editorial is to identify the progress, the trends, the open problems and challenges of these research fields in a comprehensive way, so that an overview is provided that would help researchers and practitioners in their research and development orientations. A lot of research and development efforts since many years have brought Data Science and Artificial Intelligence in a good shape and level of maturity. These technologies have proved to be realizable in a wide range of real world applications with considerable success. Although the analytical theories they are based on are not all in mature level, however, their black box implementations have been very promising so far with real improvements in real world systems performance and usability. At this stage of development such an emergent revolution in all aspects of life demands a careful thinking to discriminate hype from real achievements. This is the major goal of this editorial, to start such a discussion since hype has been a serious obstacle, many times at the past, for real technological advancements. Filtering hype and revealing reality in these fields requires much effort and extensive studies in all application fields and it is not possible within this editorial. We plan more publications in depth regarding this issue. This editorial should be considered only as a first small step towards this goal. Starting from current major trends of Data Science and aspects of Artificial Intelligence
Canadian Institute of Technology