Organoruthenium 9E1 and APL Altered Collagen II263-272 Peptide as Therapy for Autoimmune Diseases


Safruddin Khairu Zein,Martdana Ardhin,Seipalla Fenska,Sosanta Tirza


Therapy for autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis (MS) is currently available in symptom management, pain-relieving, and mitigation of disease. Currently, prescribed drugs for patients with the disease work in specific mechanisms, regardless of failure to determine the most effective medication. We use a literature review to highlight two newly examined substances: organoruthenium 9E1 and APL altered collagen II263-272 peptide, and elaborate substances mentioned above' potential to be used in rheumatoid arthritis and MS therapy. Several studies show positive effects from 9E1 and altered CII263-272 peptides on experimented mice. Altered CII263-272 peptide can elicit Th cells to produce neurotrophic factors, decrease the body amount of pro-inflammatory T cells, increase the body amount of anti-inflammatory T cells, and alleviate collagen-induced arthritis symptoms. Meanwhile, 9E1 can inhibit Mst1 kinase effectively (IC50=45nM), giving consequences of decreasing Th1 cells' cytokines, increasing Th2 cells' cytokines, decreasing body amount's IgG1 and IgG2a, slowing down EAE and collagen-induced arthritis' manifestation, increasing IL-10 and IL-4-producing T cells. Organoruthenium and altered CII263-272 peptide possess positive and multiple effects as therapies for EAE and collagen-induced arthritis, hence potential to be prescribed to patients with rheumatoid arthritis and MS. This literature review suggests further research concerning 9E1 and altered CII263-272 peptide usage in the community to examine their effectivity, side effects, and suitable dose.  


PT. Riset Press International







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