Communications Faculty of Sciences University of Ankara Series A1 Mathematics and Statistics
Reference10 articles.
1. Anderson, T. W., An Introduction to Multivariate Statistical Analysis (2d ed.), Wiley, New York, 1984.
2. Gaugler, T., Akritas, M. G., Testing for interaction in two-way random and mixed effects models: the fully nonparametric approach, Biometrics, 67 (4) (2011), 1314-1320.
3. Gaugler, T., Akritas, M. G., Mixed effects design: the symmetry assumption and missing data, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 107 (499) (2012), 1230-1238.
4. Gaugler, T., Akritas, M. G., Testing for main random effects in two-way random and mixed models: modifying the F statistic, Journal of Probability and Statistics, 2013 (2013), Article
ID 708540, 11 pages.
5. Güven, B., A mixed model for complete three or higher way layout with two random effects factors, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 139 (2015), 45-55.