1. Ufa University of Science and Technology
The application of the method of decomposition by eigenfunctions of a self-adjoint differential operator to solving a non-stationary heat transfer problem with a phase transition in a non-automatic formulation under special initial conditions is presented for the example of the solidification process in a continuous medium. The one-dimensional problem is solved in spherical coordinates. Solving of the problem begins with its transformation to a problem in a domain with fixed boundaries, then a finite integral transformation with an unknown kernel is constructed to solve the transformed problem, the finding of which is associated with the formulation and solving of the corresponding spectral problem through degenerate hypergeometric functions. The eigenvalues and eigenfunctions are found, as well as the inversion formula for the introduced integral transformation, which makes it possible to write out an analytical solution to the problem. In the course of solving the problem, the parabolic law of motion of the interface of the two phases is established. Problems of this type arise in the mathematical modeling of heat transfer processes in construction, especially in permafrost areas, in oil and gas production during drilling and operation of wells, in metallurgy, etc.
Chelyabinsk State University
General Physics and Astronomy,General Mathematics
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