1. Industrial University of Tyumen
At late stage of development of gas fields they need to solve the specific issues of increasing the production rate of wells and decreasing water cut. The available experience of development of gas and gas condensate fields proves, that the most effective method of removing of water, accumulating in wells, is an injection into the bottom hole zone of foam-forming compositions, based on surfactants. The most technological in the application was the use of solid and liquid surfactants. Installation in wells of lift columns of smaller diameter ensured the removal of liquid from the bottom hole of wells, but after few month of exploitation the conditions of removal of liquid from the bottom hole of wells deteriorate. The technologies of concentric lift systems and plunger-lift systems are used in small number of wells. The basic technology for removal of liquid from bottom hole of gas wells at present time is the technology of treatment of bottom hole of wells with solid surfactants.
Industrial University of Tyumen
Reference2 articles.
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