Estimating the effect of seasonally-operating cooling devices during a safe stop of the oil pipeline


Yakupov Azamat U.1,Cherentsov Dmitry A.1,Voronin Konstantin S.1,Zemenkov Yuri D.1


1. Industrial University of Tyumen


Conducting thermal calculations of "hot" oil pipelines through which high-viscosity and high-sticking oils are transported is one of the main ones. Determining the rate of cooling of oil in a stopped pipeline is of practical importance. According to the cooling rate, the time to safely stop the "hot" pipeline is calculated. This is the time at which the "hot" oil pipeline doesn’t freeze and the station’s pressure is enough to overcome the shear stresses arising during the cooling f high-viscosity and high-sticking oil. Oil cooling in underground stopped pipelines depends on the temperature of the soil around it. Installed heat stabilizers designed to cool the soil can affect the cooling rate of the "hot" pipeline. We have carried out a numerical experiment using modern tools of mathematical modelling. The experiment showed that the installed soil heat stabilizers near the underground "hot" pipeline have an impact on the process of cooling oil. These stabilizers have reduced the time to safely stop the pipeline.


Industrial University of Tyumen


General Medicine

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