1. Almetyevsk State Oil Institute
Development of fields at a late or final stage of exploitation of the Ural-Volga region is carried out mainly with the use of downhole sucker rod pumping units. The most typical failures for these installations are rods breaks and breaks and pump valve malfunctions. Methods for eliminating these accidents vary significantly: a break or a breakaway of the rods involves lifting the downhole equipment, and the "sticking" of the shut-off element of the pump valve assembly is eliminated by the "resuscitation" of the downhole equipment (flushing with water, hot oil or solvent). An error in recognizing a malfunction leads to incorrect planning of work to restore the operability of downhole equipment, and, as a result, to economic losses.The cause of the downhole equipment malfunctions of the sucker rod pumping units is usually determined by analyzing the dynamogram. However, in many cases dynamometer charts don't distinguish between the bottom flap of the rods and the failure of the sucker rod pump valves. In the article, a method of prompt determination of rod breakage and breakaway in a well is considered, which consists in creating an electrical circuit "rod string - tubing string" and monitoring its integrity. To determine the type of malfunction, the synchronization unit via the electromagnetic channel measures the resistance of the system on the dielectric insert. In case of break-off of rods, the electrical resistance of the "tubing-pump-rod string" circuit will be much higher (more than 2 ohms) than in the absence of this failure (0...2 ohms).
Industrial University of Tyumen
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