Main directions of searching for hydrocarbons in Nadym-Pursk oil and gas region


Gladysheva Y. I.1


1. Industrial University of Tyumen


Nadym-Pursk oil and gas region has been one of the main areas for the production of hydrocarbon raw materials since the sixties of the last century. A significant part of hydrocarbon deposits is at the final stage of field development. An increase in gas and oil production is possible subject to the discovery of new fields. The search for new hydrocarbon deposits must be carried out taking into account an integrated research approach, primarily the interpretation of seismic exploration, the creation of geological models of sedimentary basins, the study of geodynamic processes and thermobaric parameters. Statistical analysis of geological parameters of oil and gas bearing complexes revealed that the most promising direction of search are active zones — blocks with the maximum sedimentary section and accumulation rate. In these zones abnormal reservoir pressures and high reservoir temperatures are recorded. The Cretaceous oil and gas megacomplex is one of the main prospecting targets. New discovery of hydrocarbon deposits are associated with both additional exploration of old fields and the search for new prospects on the shelf of the north. An important area of geological exploration is the productive layer of the Lower-Berezovskaya subformation, in which gas deposits were discovered in unconventional reservoirs.


Industrial University of Tyumen


General Medicine

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