Calculation of the rate of bulk fluid flow by exponential and logarithmic expressions


Manzhai V. N.1,Milke A. A.2,Zubarev D. A.3


1. Institute of Petroleum Chemistry of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences

2. Tomsk Polytechnic University

3. Tomsk State University


A formula is presented to calculate the rate of bulk fluid flow in accord with hydrodynamic flow parameters and physical-chemical characteristics of pumping fluids. The formula was derived based on a model knowledge of fluid flow as a continuous sequence of strains — rotations of fluid fragments by the action of shear stress. Laboratory testing of volumetric flow rate depending on the hydrodynamic flow parameters and physical-chemical properties of liquids performed on a turbulent rheometer and as working fluids used ethanol and gasoline. The power and logarithmic dependences of the volume velocity were also checked using real data from the operation of oilfield pipelines. The results obtained satisfactory agree with the calculated data.


Industrial University of Tyumen


General Medicine

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