Laboratory studies of oil-washing characteristics of surfactants in the pore space of reservoir rocks


Ogoreltsev V. Yu.1,Leontiev S. A.2,Drozdov A. S.2


1. Tyumen Branch of SurgutNIPIneft

2. Industrial University of Tyumen


When developing hard-to-recover reserves of oil fields, methods of enhanced oil recovery, used from chemical ones, are massively used. To establish the actual oil-washing characteristics of surfactant grades accepted for testing in the pore space of oil-containing reservoir rocks, a set of laboratory studies was carried out, including the study of molecular-surface properties upon contact of oil from the BS10formation of the West Surgutskoye field and model water types with the addition of surfactants of various concentrations, as well as filtration tests of surfactant technology compositions on core models of the VK1reservoir of the Rogozhnikovskoye oil field. On the basis of the performed laboratory studies of rocks, it has been established that conducting pilot operations with the use of Neonol RHP-20 will lead to higher technological efficiency than from the currently used at the company's fields in the compositions of the technologies of physical and chemical EOR Neonol BS-1 and proposed for application of Neftenol VKS, Aldinol-50 and Betanol.


Industrial University of Tyumen


General Medicine

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