Оptimization of thermal stabilization of soils applications


Poskonina E. A.1,Kurchatova A. N.2


1. Messoyakhaneftegaz JSC

2. Messoyakhaneftegaz JSC; Industrial University of Tyumen


To provide the first principle of usage the permafrost ground as the base it is necessary to design methods that eliminate or decrease structures thermal influence on permafrost.Usually choosing thermal stabilization solutions the task is to ensure foundation reliability on permafrost but also decrease the construction and operation expenses due to optimization of adopted decisions. Forecast modeling of soil bases temperature regime is required for this. Analysis of norms and standards showed the absence of standardized requirements to the calculations algorithm.The article is devoted to the main problems of forecast modeling of soil base temperature regime and mistakes in selecting of thermal stabilization solutions. We give the examples of optimization of thermal stabilization solutions. Also, we determine the ways to solve the identified problems; these include typification of engineering and geocryological conditions, typification of structures by intensity of thermal influence, selecting of optimal thermal stabilization solutions for each type, standard elaboration of making forecast modeling of soil base temperature regime.


Industrial University of Tyumen


General Medicine

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