,Trofimchuk A. S.,Mukhametshin V. Sh., ,Khabibullin G. I., ,Kuleshova L. S., ,Askerov V. М.,
For the first time in the practice of horizontal well flooding the study investigates the influence of horizontal well length, number of stages, and proppant loading on productivity during hydraulic development of low-permeability reservoirs using horizontal wells. To increase the sweep efficiency in systems with horizontal wells, a new development systems configuration is proposed, relying on longitudinal horizontal production wells and transverse horizontal injection wells with respect to the regional stress direction. The use of this configuration will not only increase the efficiency of reservoir pressure maintenance systems, but also reduce capital costs for well construction by reducing the injection wells to production wells ratio per development unit while maintaining system stiffness. Keywords: horizontal injection well; Auto-HF fracture; low-permeability reservoir; reservoir pressure maintenance system; oil recovery ratio increasing
Oil Gas Scientific Research Project Institute
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3 articles.