From the History of the Decipherment of West Semitic Writing: Events and People. VII. Barthélemy-Orientalist: Between Scholarship and High Society. Part III


Yunusov Marat M.ORCID


The article is the third essay on the life and scholarly activity of the outstanding French scholar Abbоt J.-J. Barthlemy as part of a series of publications on the history of the decipherment of West Semitic writing (events and people). The essay examines the circumstances of Barthlemys appointment in September 1753 to the post of the Keeper of the Royal Cabinet of Medals. This event, long awaited by the abbot, became possible with the help and mediation of Marquis de Gonto and Comte de Stanville, both close to Marquise de Pompadour. Some events that led to the rapprochement of the influential mistress of the king with Comte de Stanville may, in a sense, be regarded as a background to this important appointment for Barthlemy. This Barthlemys appointment to a new post was the occasion for his personal acquaintance with de Stanville family, with whom the abbot would associate for the rest of his life and to which, by his own admission, he would sacrifice his scholarly career and the name that he could have in scholarship.


Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Reference38 articles.

1. Aubert de La Chesnaye-Desbois, François-Alexandre. Dictionnaire de la noblesse: contenant les généalogies, l’histoire & la chronologie des familles nobles de France. [...] Tomes I–XIX. Troisième édition. Paris: Schlesinger frères, 1863–1876 (in French).

2. Badolle, Maurice. L’abbé Jean-Jacques Barthélemy (1716–1795) et l’héllenisme en France dans la seconde moitié du XVII le siècle. Paris: Les presses universitaires de France, [1926] (in French).

3. Barthélemy, Jean-Jacques. “Dissertation sur les médailles arabes”. In: Mémoires de littérature tirés des registres de l’Académie royale des inscriptions et belles-lettres, depuis l’année M. DCCLII jusqu’au & compris l’année M. DCCLIV. Tome XXVI. Paris: Imprimérie Royale, 1759, pp. 557–576 (in French).

4. Barthélemy, Jean-Jacques. “Traité de morale”. In: Œuvres diverses de J.J. Barthélemy. Vol. I. Paris: H.J. Jansen, l’An 6-me, 1798, pp. 1–61 (in French).

5. Barthélemy, Jean-Jacques. Mémoires sur la vie de l’abbé Barthélemy, écrits par lui-même en 1792 et 1793. Paris: Étienne Ledoux, 1824 (in French).







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