Dynamic model to expand energy storage in form of battery and hydrogen production using solar powered water electrolysis for off grid communities
Container-title:Journal of Engineering Research
Short-container-title:JER is an international, peer-reviewed journal that publishes full-length original research papers, reviews, case studies in all areas of Engineering
Mushtaq Ali, ,Hussain Tajjamal,Abbas Ghulam,Shahzad Ayub Khurram,Haider M. Salman, , , ,
In this version, we used a 50WP PV panel to generate electricity, according to this strength output is getting used directly and it's far being gathered in a rechargeable battery. In this layout we connected batteries and storage of hydrogen to keep strength for the purpose of storing energy. If the rechargeable battery is overcharging, it'll be linked to the water electrolysis so that a big quantity of chemical power of the battery may be transformed into hydrogen and stored into hydrogen storage. Hydrogen may be stored as compacted gas and chemical storage. In this model we used proton exchange membrane electrolysis technology to break up water into hydrogen and oxygen after which stored in our designed tanks. Variation of voltages are used in our practical’s, we get mean value of hydrogen production is 22.8 ml/min on 2 supply voltage. Via using simulation software (Ansys), extrapolates the production of hydrogen 300ml/min on 12v supply that is 220% higher. Moreover, using second section of the designed, hydrogen converted again into electrical energy by using proton exchange membrane fuel cell. In this designed including batteries, water electrolysis and fuel cells, explores the feasibility of storing energy in the form of hydrogen and chemical energy for off grid areas and remote communities. The primary goal of hydrogen storage in this system is to store and manage the excess energy of the system generated by using PV panel and use it for the desired want.
General Engineering