Study Gaussian plume model and the Gradient Transport (K) of the advection-diffusion equation and its applications
Essa KhaledSM,Taha HanaaMohamedAhmed
In this paper, one dimension time dependent and the steady state three dimensions of advection-diffusion equation (ADE) have been solved analytically to estimate the concentration in the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) taking into account the assumption that the ABL height (h) is divided into sub-layers and the downwind distance is also divided into intervals within each rectangular area the ADE is estimated by using the Laplace transform method assuming that the mean values of wind speed and eddy diffusivity. The proposed model, Gaussian plume model and previous work (Essa et al.2019) was compared with the observed concentration of Iodine-135 which was measured at Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority, Nuclear Research Reactor, Inshas, Cairo Egypt. The statistical analysis shows that there is a good agreement between the proposed and experimental values of concentration.
India Meteorological Department
Atmospheric Science,Geophysics