Using Technology to Enhance Extension Education and Outreach


Barton Elizabeth T.1,Barton Emily A.2,Barton Susan3,Boyer Cheryl R.4,Brosnan Jim5,Hill Paul6,Hoyle Jared7,Reid Judson8,Seger Jamie9,Stafne Eric10


1. 1Graduate Student, Longwood Graduate Program, Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716

2. 2Graduate Student, Curry School of Education, University of Virginia, Bavaro Hall 312, 405 Emmet Street South, Charlottesville, VA 22904

3. 3Associate Professor, Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716

4. 4Associate Professor and Extension Specialist, Department of Horticulture and Natural Resources, 1712 Claflin Road, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506

5. 5Associate Professor, Turf and Ornamental Weed Science, University of Tennessee, 252 Ellington Plant Sciences Building, 2431 Joe Johnson Drive, Knoxville, TN 37996

6. 6Extension Associate Professor, Utah State University Washington County Extension, St. George, UT 84770

7. 7Assisstant Professor and Extension Specialist, Department of Horticulture and Natural Resources, 1712 Claflin Road, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506

8. 8Senior Extension Associate, Cornell University, CCE Yates County, 417 Liberty Street Penn Yan, NY 14527

9. 9Program Director, Educational Technology, Ohio State University Extension Miami County, Troy, OH 45373

10. 10Associate Extension and Research Professor, Coastal Research and Extension Center, Mississippi State University, Poplarville, MS 39470


We held a technology session at the 2016 Annual Meeting of the American Society for Horticultural Science in Atlanta, GA, to provide guidance for technology choices in extension education and an opportunity to learn more about engaging new audiences, including the millennial generation (people born between 1982 and 2000). The use of technology is now an integral part of extension-client interaction. Presenters in the session gave examples of when technologies such as blogs, social media accounts, or web conferencing tools allowed extension personnel to increase engagement with online consumers and ultimately help fulfill extension’s mission of extending knowledge and changing lives. Effective engagement requires both educators and learners to be satisfied with the exchange. It is critical to monitor the quality of these digitally facilitated exchanges as compared with traditional face-to-face interactions. Additionally, it is possible to quantify digital engagement with readily available metrics, such as “retweets” (a reposted or forwarded message) or “likes” (indication an item is appreciated). These allow innovative and substantive reporting to further justify continued use of digital technologies for enhancing client-extension relations.


American Society for Horticultural Science









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