Evaluation of Shrubs for Side Slope Greening and Protection in Urban Landscape


Amoroso Gabriele1,Frangi Piero1,Piatti Riccardo1,Fini Alessio2,Ferrini Francesco2,Faoro Marco1


1. 1Fondazione Minoprio, Centro MiRT, Viale Raimondi, 54, 22070 Vertemate con Minoprio (CO), Italy

2. 2Department of Plant, Soil and Environmental Science, University of Florence, Viale delle Idee, 30, 50019 Sesto Fiorentino (FI), Italy


Shrubs are often used for side slope greening and protection in the urban landscape. Only a few species are commonly used in the European city environment, bestowing upon cities a monotonous appearance. The aim of this 3-year trial, set up at Fondazione Minoprio (Vertemate con Minoprio; Como, Italy), was to evaluate the performance of 25 shrub species grown on a slope during three seasons (2007–09). Moreover, to evaluate the influence of weeds on plant growth and the weeding time, two mulches (biodegradable textile and polypropylene fabric) were used in comparison with bare soil (control). Shrubs were planted in late Spring 2007. To simulate urban conditions, no pruning or disease control were applied. Irrigation was carried out only in the driest periods of the first summer. Plant height and percent cover were measured every 2 months, whereas plant phenology and state of health were recorded weekly. Chlorophyll fluorescence and chlorophyll content were evaluated on two different drought-tolerant species during the third growing season. At the end of the trial shoot biomass was measured and root characteristics (root density and specific root length) were determined. Weeds were removed twice in the first and third years and three times in the second year. Time for weed removal was recorded for each experimental plot. Results show that the highest growth (height and biomass) was detected in mulched plots, probably because of both limited weed competition for water and nutrients and lower water loss by evaporation. Plants grown in bare soil showed higher root density and finer roots compared with mulched plants; this may be explained by the necessity of the plant root system to explore the soil to reach for water. Differences in growth, groundcovering, and root characteristics were observed among species. As a result of higher mulching cost and the poorer root characteristics of mulched plants, bare soil and fast growing shrubs should be used to limit weed competition and assure a satisfactory slope greening and consolidation.


American Society for Horticultural Science



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