Carbohydrate-Related Changes in Sweetpotato Storage Roots during Development


La Bonte Don R.,Picha David H.,Johnson Hester A.


The quantity and pattern of carbohydrate-related changes during storage root development differed among six sweetpotato cultivars [Ipomoea batatas (L.) Poir. `Beauregard', `Heart-o-Gold', `Jewel', `Rojo Blanco', `Travis', and `White Star']. Measurements were taken for individual sugars, total sugars, alcohol-insoluble solids (AIS, crude starch), and dry weight (DW) at 2-week intervals from 7 to 19 weeks after transplanting (WAT) in two separate years. Sucrose was the major sugar during all stages of development, representing at least 68% of total sugars across all cultivars and dates. Pairwise comparisons showed `Heart-o-Gold' had the highest sucrose content among the cultivars. Sucrose content increased by 56% for `Heart-o-Gold' over the 12 weeks of assay, ranking first among the cultivars at 17 and 19 WAT and possessing 27% more sucrose than the next highest ranking cultivar, `Jewel', at 19 WAT. Fructose content profiles varied among and within cultivars. `Beauregard' showed a consistent increase in fructose throughout development while `Whitestar' showed a consistent decrease. The other cultivars were inconsistent in their fructose content profiles. Glucose content profiles were similar to those for fructose changes during development. The relationship between monosaccharides was fructose = 0.7207 × glucose + 0.0241. Cultivars with the highest fructose and glucose content could be selected by breeders after 13 WAT. Early clonal selection for high sucrose and total sugars is less promising because substantive changes in clonal rank occurred for sucrose and total sugars after 15 WAT. Cultivars ranking the highest in total sugars had either more monosaccharides to compensate for a lower sucrose content or more sucrose to compensate for a lower monosaccharide content. The relationship between DW and AIS was similar (AIS = 0.00089 × DW), and DW and AIS increased with time for most cultivars. Cultivars with high DW and AIS can be selected early during storage root development.


American Society for Horticultural Science



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