Zhang Qi,Wang Sheng,Rue Kevin
Salinity tolerance of 12 turfgrasses in four groups, creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera L.), fescues (Festuca spp.), kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratesis L.), and alkaligrass [Puccinellia distans (Jacq.) Parl.], was evaluated using three germination methods. Seeds were germinated on 1% agar medium, on germination paper, or in a hydroponic system under salinity levels of 0, 5, 10, 15, or 20 g·L−1 NaCl. Germination rate and seedling growth of each grass were determined. Salinity reduced the final germination rate (FGR), daily germination rate (DGR), and seedling leaf area (LA) in all tests. On agar medium, no significant difference in salinity tolerance was observed among the four turf groups; however, ‘Turf Blue’ kentucky bluegrass with a corn starch-based coating (coated ‘Turf Blue’) showed a significant higher salinity tolerance than the uncoated one. Using germination paper, creeping bentgrass required the highest salinity level to cause 50% reduction in FGR followed by alkaligrass, fescues, and kentucky bluegrass. Kentucky bluegrass required the lowest salinity level (9.5 g·L−1) to reduce DGR by 50%. With the hydroponic system, alkaligrass required a salinity level of 26.3 g·L−1 to reduce FGR by 50%, the highest among the four groups. Alkaligrass showed again the highest salinity tolerance with an average of 12.7 g·L−1 needed to reduce LA by 50%. Among the grasses, coated ‘Turf Blue’ kentucky bluegrass, ‘Declaration’ creeping bentgrass, and ‘Fults’ alkaligrass showed the highest salinity tolerance when evaluated on agar medium, on germination paper, or in the hydroponic system, respectively. The present study determined the salinity tolerance of 12 turfgrasses at seed germination and early seedling growth stages and showed that the germination method was a factor affecting the evaluation result and it should be considered in a seed germination test of turfgrass for salinity tolerance.
American Society for Horticultural Science
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22 articles.