Korchynska О. О.,Sozanska М. А.,Bratasyuk N. М.,Andrashchikova Stefania,Zhultakova Sylvia,Shlosserova Alena
The review article presents data on the features of psychosomatic disorders that contribute to the development of infertility among married couples. Socio-psychological features of reproductive setting of infertile men and women, peculiarities of self-perception and female self esteem in infertile marriages, general identity of women who suffer from infertility, reasons of psychological unreadiness to maternity.The causes of psychological infertility are revealed, which should be search not only from women, but also among men. The importance of psychotherapy in the treatment of this pathology is highlighted. In the general structure of the reproductive sphere, the physiological and psychological components are interrelated. This means that women with a history of infertility have certain psychological problems that complicate the formation of readiness for pregnancy and motherhood. These can be fears, anxieties related to family history, personal experience of a woman, her individual personal qualities or features of the current life situation (relationship with a partner and other loved ones, alternative life values, financial problems), which manifests itself in unconscious resistance , is realized in somatic form. Infertility leads to the negative changes in the structure of woman’s psycho emotional state, self esteem and social well-being of couple and can cause breach in family relationship. That is why it is recommended to pass complex examination, which includes first of all psycho diagnostic of psycho emotional sphere of individual.
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