The aim of the study is to investigate the functional properties of neutrophils in the blood and peritoneal exudate in patients with peritonitis. Materials and methods. The metabolic activity of neutrophils determined in patients with peritonitis and in patients of the control groups in the blood, peritoneal exudate and effusion of the abdominal wall on the 1–2 day of the postoperative period in the Sp and St test with nitro blue tetrazolium (NBT), as well as reserve indicator (RI) of metabolic activity. We studied the percentage of active neutrophils in the phagocytosis –PhI ( index) and the number of absorbed Candida albicans particles on average by one neutrophil –PhN(number). Results and their discussion.The peculiarities of the cellular factors of local protection decreased metabolic activity of neutrophils in the abdominal cavity in the Sp NBT test compared to blood neutrophils and an increased reserve during stimulation. For the comparisons which included the activity of neutrophils abdominal contents in patients with peritonitis versus in control established that neutrophils in the abdominal cavity with peritonitis have a reduced intensity of phagocytosis. Patients with pancreatic peritonitis have inverse correlations between the amount of NBT-positive blood NG in the SP NBT test and IR of blood NG and between the amount of NBT-positive blood NG in the Sp NST test and PhI of blood NG, while patients with abdominal peritonitis do not have correlations between indicators of innate defense of the body. Conclusions. Peritonitis was associated with functional disorders of NG. The leading areas of disorders are significant activation of metabolic processes of NG and inhibition of the phagocytic function of NG blood and peritoneal exudate. Patients with pancreatic peritonitis had inverse correlations between the indicators of the innate defense of the body, while patients with abdominal peritonitis did not have correlations.
LLC Information and Research Center Likarska Sprava
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