Proposed correlation of Oman’s Abu Mahara Supergroup and Saudi Arabia’s Jibalah Group


Al-Husseini Moujahed I.


ABSTRACT The Ediacaran–Cambrian Middle East Geologic Time Scale is extensively revised in the 2014 version (Enclosure). It suggests the top of the Abu Mahara Group glacial diamictites in Oman represent the termination of the late Cryogenian Marinoan Glaciation at 635 Ma. The overlying Ediacaran Nafun Group of Oman is shown between 635 and 547 Ma based on geochronologic data, and divided into: (1) the Lower Nafun Supersequence (635–582 Ma) consisting of the Hadash Formation (cap carbonate), the Masirah Bay Formation (clastics) and the Khufai Formation (carbonates); and (2) the Upper Nafun Supersequence (582–547 Ma) consisting of the Shuram Formation (clastics and carbonates) and the Buah Formation (carbonates). The Nafun Group lies below the Ediacaran– lower Cambrian Ara Group (evaporites and carbonates), which contains the Ediacaran/Cambrian Boundary currently dated at 541 Ma. The Sub-Shuram Unconformity, which corresponds to the global Shuram δ13C Negative Excursion, separates the Nafun supersequences. Its age was estimated by assuming the thicknesses of the Nafun formations are proportional to time in the Masirah-1 Well, where the Nafun Group attains its greatest-known thickness of 2,308 m in Oman. This assumption coincidently estimated the unconformity at 582 Ma, the same age as the Ediacaran Gaskiers (Varanger or Varingian) Glaciation. The new calibration was used to correlate the Nafun formations to the rock-time units of the Jibalah Group in several isolated basins along the Najd Fault System in the Arabian Shield, using recently published geochronologic data and δ13C measurements, as follows. The younger part of the Lower Nafun Supersequence (635–582 Ma) is here correlated to the Lower Jibalah Supersequence (605 ± 5 to 582 Ma), represented by the Umm al-Aisah Formation in the Jifn Basin, located along the Halaban-Zarghat Fault Zone of the Najd Fault System. The Umm al-Aisah Formation consists of volcanics and clastics that give way to the Umm al-Aisah Limestone. The Upper Nafun Supersequence (582–547 Ma) is here correlated to the Upper Jibalah Supersequence, which unconformably overlies the Umm al-Aisah Limestone, with its basal unit being the Gaskiers-coeval Jifn Polymictic Conglomerate (≥ 200 m thick). In the Bir Sija Basin, located along the Rika Fault Zone of the Najd Fault System, the likely Gaskiers-coeval polymictic conglomerate (150 m thick) is overlain by a 20 m-thick limestone unit, the Bir Sija Limestone, possibly a cap carbonate. The Upper Jibalah Supersequence continues with clastics overlain by the Muraykhah Formation (carbonates) or mixed clastics-carbonates of its equivalent formations. In several outcrops the Upper Jibalah Supersequence is overlain by the lower Cambrian Siq Sandstone Formation (≤ 525 ± 5 Ma) implying the Sub-Siq Unconformity represents a hiatus between 547 and 525 ± 5 Ma. The Jifn Formation in the Jifn Basin, however, may represent continuous deposition between 582 Ma and 525 ± 5 Ma.











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