Quaternary Deposits of the Pritaymyr Islands (the Kara Shelf)


Gusev E.A.1,Yarzhembovsky Ya.D.1,Makariev A.A.2,Molodkov A.N.3,Maksimov F.E.4,Kupriyanova N.V.1,Kostromina N.A.1,Rudenko O.V.5,Krylov A.V.6,Sharin V.V.1,Sharapova A.Yu.6


1. a Gramberg All-Russia Research Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources of the World Ocean, Angliiskii pr. 1, St. Petersburg, 190121, Russia

2. b Polar Marine Geosurvey Expedition, ul. Pobedy 24, St. Petersburg, Lomonosov, 198412, Russia

3. c Tallinn University of Technology, Ehitajate Rd. 5, Tallinn, 19086, Estonia

4. d St. Petersburg State University, Universitetskaya nab. 7/9, St. Petersburg, 199034, Russia

5. e Orel State University, ul. Komsomolskaya 95, Orel, 302026, Russia

6. f A.P. Karpinsky Russian Geological Research Institute, Srednii pr. 74, St. Petersburg, 199106, Russia


Abstract —The rarely visited islands of the Kara Sea in its Pritaymyr zone have been studied during a geological survey on the scale 1:1,000,000. The Quaternary deposits of the islands are represented by the Middle Neopleistocene to Holocene marine, lacustrine-marsh, alluvial and slope sediments. New radiocarbon and uranium-thorium dating has been obtained for the Quaternary sediments, using organic remains (wood, peat, mollusk shells). For the first time, dating on sandy sediments was obtained for the islands, using the method of infrared optically stimulated luminescence (IR-OSL). The sediments of marine terraces are of the greatest distribution on the islands; these sediments can be correlated with the Karginsky (MIS 3) horizon, lacustrine-marsh sediments and deposits of the cover complex, containing flora remains, mainly the Holocene.





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2. Younger Dryas pollen records from Sverdrup Island (Kara Sea);Andreev;Quat. Int.,1997

3. Radiocarbon: Geochemistry and Geochronology [in Russian];Arslanov,1987

4. Geological evidence of the Pleistocene ice dispersal centre on the Kara Shelf;Astakhov;Dokl. Akad. Nauk USSR,1976

5. Perennially frozen deposits of Beliy Island: stratigraphy, age, depositional environments;Baranskaya;Earth’s Cryosphere,2018








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