Archaeological Dating from Magnetic Maps: Some Failures


Bevan Bruce W.1


1. Geosight, 356 Waddy Drive, Weems, VA 22576


It may be possible to estimate the age of a feature that has been fired in place, even though that feature is underground and has not been excavated. This is because the analysis of a magnetic map may reveal the direction of magnetization within that feature. Some failed attempts at this type of dating are described here. The failures have been caused by non-uniform magnetization and perhaps by the rotation of a feature. Three examples are illustrated. The first is a study of the hearths of prehistoric furnaces in Wales; this example shows the difficulty that can be caused by overlapping anomalies. If the directions of magnetization are not all the same (for example, if one feature has a natural origin), it will probably be impossible to separate the directions. If the directions of magnetization are the same, then the overlap of the anomalies may cause little difficulty. A second example is the blocks of slag that were formed below early iron furnaces in Denmark. It was found that about half of these blocks have a complex magnetization, apparently caused by lumps of metallic iron near their upper surface; these blocks may contain two or more directions of magnetization. The other half of the blocks have a simple magnetization with a single direction; these blocks appear to be suitable for dating. The third example is a medieval kiln in Crimea. An analysis of this kiln reveals a direction of magnetization that is over 30° from its correct value; it is possible that this kiln has rotated, for it is on the side of a steep slope. This dating procedure is at an early stage of development. Its ultimate accuracy is unknown; however, errors in dates of 50–200 years or more will probably remain.


Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society


Geophysics,Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology,Environmental Engineering

Reference44 articles.

1. Archaeomagnetic investigations of Iron Age slags in Denmark

2. Abrahamsen, N., 1996, An archaeomagnetic mastercurve for Denmark 0-2000 AD and the possible dating accuracy: in Proceedings from the 6th Nordic Conference on the Application of Scientific Methods in Archaeology, Esbjerg Museum, Denmark, 261–271.

3. Physics and archaeology;Aitken M. J.,1961


5. Collection and Analysis of Multi‐Sensor Ordnance Signatures withMTADS







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