1. California Department of Fish and Wildlife
Endangered Sacramento River winter-run Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) exist as a single population that spawns in the Sacramento River downstream of Shasta Dam near Redding, CA. Displaced from their historical habitat after dam construction circa 1940, their survival depends on cold water released from Shasta Reservoir. Managing and recovering the species is further complicated by their anadromous life history, habitat loss and degradation, largescale water supply management, and climate change. The California Department of Fish and Wildlife and other resource agencies coordinate closely to protect the species from extinction, confronting challenges with collaborative restoration and science-driven management. As climate change brings more frequent droughts, warmer weather, and increased variability in precipitation, Sacramento River winter-run Chinook Salmon recovery will require greater collaboration and a shift to more holistic restoration actions that promote and maintain the diversity and resilience of the species and its habitats.
California Fish and Wildlife Journal, California Department of Fish and Wildlife
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